Friday 19 December 2014

Headline just Wrong!

They actually emailed a CAD design for making one using their 3D printer.
Stupid and simply incorrect headlines either tell me that the editors who allow this to be published just don't care about accuracy, are trying to generate a 'wow' factor, or are just plain incompetent.

Article HERE

Monday 8 December 2014

WAS (data) completed

WAS (data) completed 7th December 2014

After waiting for Louisiana to appear on my screen in JT65 mode for several weeks now I was 'chuffed to meatballs' to receive a callback from Parker, W5ADD following my targetted CQ call.
LotW confirmation arrived shortly after and I was able to apply for the award later that day.

Now have the certificate:

Friday 28 November 2014

I Need LA

Geography of the USA

I completed WAS several months ago in theory, however when I checked the LotW credits I found that the contact  for Louisiana, although 'matched' was not recognised.
The details are :
My attempts to contact that station by email have elicited no response.

I have been calling CQ for LA over the last few days and have had responses from Arizona, Idaho, Missouri and Kansas.

I note from PSK Reporter that I am being heard at decent strength there but i don't get a call back. My attempts to call those stations have not been successful either.

Still hoping though.


Thursday 16 October 2014

Ever wondered whar I&Q are with relation to SDR? Article

Ever wondered what I&Q are with relation to SDR?

This is an absolutely brilliant explanation of the I&Q components of a signal both as TX and RX. If you wonder how these are generated or demodulated then this article and the follow-up are the ones to read.


Monday 7 July 2014


WAS now complete.
After several attempts to contact stations in Hawaii i finally completed WAS this morning when William, KH6KV came back to my CQ call. I had heard him on before but had been unable to make contact.
All I need to do now is get 7 states confirmed and I am done..
Thanks to all who have contributed.